Carrie Kennedy & Ben Morieson

Benny: Can you tell us a little about Carrie Kennedy and Ben Morieson and how you came to be Carben Copy?
Carben Copy: We met at art school and studied sculpture together. The sculpture degree gave us a good grounding for spacial balance. It also taught us many practical skills. Using our Fine Art degree we then both became scenic artists working overseas and back in Melbourne. We had a big break in 1993, with designing a TV show called Frontline and this led us onto designing The Castle and The Dish. Slowly but surely one job led onto another and 27 years later Carben Copy is still going. 

BC: What are your individual roles in Carben Copy?
We are both designers and we can work well together or separately with other teams . When we do work together we are both the designers and we end up workshopping the ideas inside out.

BC: You’re both individual artists with very different approaches, how did you come to decide on this set and can you tell us a little about it?
CC: At the time during Covid we had spent a lot of time in this living room of ours. Our job involves a lot of drawing and set designing and so we thought why not turn this into a giant backdrop for our set.

BC: There’s a distinct lack of colour in the set, yet you’ve managed to match Carrie’s hair with Ben’s jacket and Ben’s skivvy to the chairs… how considered was this?
CC:  I thought I would dye my hair to match Bens jacket,  HA HA ! ... Actually the intention was to keep it monochromatic and the jacket on Ben contrasted better to the Falcon chair, so sort of intentional.

BC: What’s been your favourite project to work on and why?
CC: We have many and it usually depends on the people that surround you. We particularly love doing  period pieces. We adore the research that is involved with every single project.

BC: How does your personal taste translate to sets you create for your tv/feature and commercial work?
Our personal taste rarely takes precedence - It is always about the character and story that becomes the priority for designing the sets.

BC: Anything else to add?
We really love our job!